
2014-08-06   出处: kojenchieh.pixnet.net  作/译者:kojenchieh


- aren't afraid to venture into unknown situations. 
- love to get a new piece of software, install it on their PC, and see what happens.

- good at figuring out why something doesn't work.

- keep trying. 
- They may see a bug that quickly vanishes or is difficult to re-create.
- Rather than dismiss it as a fluke, they will try every way possible to find it.

- Testing the obvious isn't sufficient for software testers. 
- think up creative and even off-the-wall approaches to find bugs.

- They strive for perfection, but they know when it becomes unattainable and they're okay with getting as close as they can.

- need to make decisions about what they will test, how long it will take, and if the problem they're looking at is really a bug.

- Software testers are always the bearers of bad news. 
- They have to tell the programmers that their baby is ugly. 
- Good software testers know how to do so tactfully and professionally and know how to work with programmers who aren't always tactful and diplomatic.

- Bugs that testers find won't always be viewed as severe enough to be fixed. 
- Testers need to be good at making their points clear, demonstrating why the bug does indeed need to be fixed, and following through on making it happen.

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