jprobe 安装后感

2010-02-26  吴一满 

前段时间 时间安装 Jprofile  总是报错 后来改用jprobe 当时装 的是Jprobe 8.2 
春节后 使用版过期 ,重新装 装的是最新的版本8.3 结果报错 和当初装Jprofile 一样错误:Could not find agent library in absolute path, 晕倒。
后来在它的release note 看到solution :
Older versions of Linux may be affected by library compatibility issues when profiling applications with JProbe. The following error message may occur on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x platforms (or Linux systems offering C and C++ libraries that predate GCC 4.1.1):

Could not find agent library in absolute path: [JPROBE_HOME]/bin/ia32/

Where [JPROBE_HOME] is replaced with the path to the JProbe installation on the system.


To work around this issue, you need to perform one of the following three options:

1. Rename or remove the existing ${JPROBE_HOME}/bin/ia32/ library.

This causes the system to choose an existing C++ library instead of the one packaged with JProbe.

2. Set LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ prior to launching the JProbe Engine.

This causes the system to attempt using an existing C++ library instead of the one packaged with JProbe.

3. Install the newer C/C++ library dependencies.

This typically involves upgrading gcc on the Linux system in question.


然后我删除, 这个error 就再没有出现。

终于用上了Jprobe 了。

估计Jprofile 也可以用这个方法搞定

406°/4024 人阅读/4 条评论 发表评论

金鑫  2010-02-27


金鑫  2010-02-27


欧洁  2010-02-27

C++ library 不兼容导致

王恩建  2010-02-27


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