Could not find agent library in absolute path: [JPROBE_HOME]/bin/ia32/
Where [JPROBE_HOME] is replaced with the path to the JProbe installation on the system.
To work around this issue, you need to perform one of the following three options:
1. Rename or remove the existing ${JPROBE_HOME}/bin/ia32/ library.
This causes the system to choose an existing C++ library instead of the one packaged with JProbe.
2. Set LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ prior to launching the JProbe Engine.
This causes the system to attempt using an existing C++ library instead of the one packaged with JProbe.
3. Install the newer C/C++ library dependencies.
This typically involves upgrading gcc on the Linux system in question.
然后我删除, 这个error 就再没有出现。
终于用上了Jprobe 了。
估计Jprofile 也可以用这个方法搞定