4 Things Your Employees Need From You

2010-07-20  刘军 

Traditional leaders see the employee-boss relationship as a transaction: money in exchange for labor. Transformational leaders know and recognize that employees want much more than that. Here are the four things your people need to succeed:

   1. Love. This may sound touchy-feely, but love simply means focused concern that is exclusively for that person's good. Show your employees you care about them and their futures.

   2. Growth. No one wants to be exactly where they are forever. Create a culture that allows your people to grow and expand.

   3. Contribution. To feel fulfilled, employees must know that they are contributing to the whole. Emphasize the ways that their work matters to the organization.

   4. Meaning. We are meaning-seeking creatures. Share a vision that demonstrates that all of your employees are engaged in a larger purpose.




1. 关爱。这也许听起来有些肉麻,关爱在这里无非指的是将你的观点集中在那位员工所独有的优点上。向你的雇员们表露出你关心他们和他们的未来。

2. 成长。没有人愿意永远停留在他们现在的位置上。树立一种文化,让你的雇员们能够成长和拓展他们自身。

3. 贡献。能够感受到完全融入的成就感,雇员们必须知道他们在为一个远大的目标做出了贡献。你要强调他们现在的工作目标对整个机构都很重要。

4. 工作的意义。我们是探索意义的生物。分享一个远景并且诠释给所有你的雇员们,他们正从事于一个更远大的目标。

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刘志强  2010-07-20


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