【随手记录的一些小技巧。以防忘记】Excel2007 如何将文档在网络中共享使用。

2010-08-31  夏洁 



Here is another nifty tip submitted by a Lockergnome reader who spends a lot of time working in Excel. If you are busy plugging numbers into Excel, you can have another co-worker assist you. One option is to take turns entering in the data and saving the file. You can enter in your numbers, then save the document. Your co-worker can then open the document and enter in the next set of numbers. However, if you do this, it may be faster if you just do it all on your own. So an even better, more efficient option is for both of you to work on the same open spreadsheet and enter in numbers at the same time. This is made possible once you share your workbook.

To share a workbook in Excel 2007:

  1. Open your Excel workbook.
  2. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Share Workbook.
  3. On the Editing tab, place a check beside the option to Allow changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows workbook merging.
  4. Click the Advanced tab and under Update Changes select Automatically every. You can use the default value of 15 minutes or change this.
  5. Click OK.
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