a unromantic day

2010-03-16  刘俊 

  Today, manager tells me that he wants to build a mangement system for our department. Generally, it has two parts: UI and backend.  He said we need learn JAVA, SSH, STAF or Ruby on Rails. I know it's a challenge, but I think it's a opportunity too. If I can implement it, all colleagues can benefit from this. However, I don't have enough time now. anyway, let me try.
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关敏  2010-03-17

The mangement system about QAdaily work or defect or report?

刘俊  2010-03-17

关敏: The mangement system about QAdaily work or defect or report?
Mostly, it is used to do regression testing. Manual tester can choose a project name and an automatic test tool on UI, then click some buttons, the regression testing will begin. The requirement hasn't been completed yet, even not begin...

刘轶刚  2010-04-07

haha,that's funny,~nice~~

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