Optimize J2EE engine performance in 4 ways

2010-12-22  张林 

Set optimization goal that you can measure

Understand system & applications residing in it

You’re not a founder of Intel or IBM to have unlimited supply of RAM and server space

Major step towards optimizing performance of your portal is fine-tuning J2EE engine. Without baseline optimization you cannot actually set performance measurement. Performance measurement is possible only for realistic goals. We need to understand that there are certain limitations to hardware and we need to design optimization goal within that limit. And yes, it’s possible!!

Let us now see how can you fine-tune J2EE engine in 4 simple ways.

1. JVM settings

Java Virtual Machine enables Java application to run on a portal platform. 

First setting you need to look into is version of JDK. J2EE engine is not supported on 1.3 or 1.5 version. So make sure you’ve installed correct version of Java. You must also look into type of VM used. There’re 2 types of them. A client and a server. Default is server and you better leave it unchanged. User Verbose GC option for server and dispatcher. Set heap size of 1GB for 32-bit system and 2GB for 64-bit systems. Use Parallel GC option so that it collects all minor garbage parallel.

2. GC Log

It’s recommended to always have an eye on minor as well as full GCs. You can use memory analyzer or wily to analyse memory related issues for e.g. memory leaks. Remember, you can reduce no. of GC by increasing heap size but only if your memory capacity allows it.

3. Log Files

It’s good to have log configuration set immediately after the installation. Mostly people configure it only when they face errors or observes a drop in portal performance. Follow this path to configure log configurator.

4. Memory Leaks

it’s important to avoid occurrence of memory leaks. Especially when there’re large no. of concurrent users. Make sur
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