sysreport/sosreport on RHEL5.3

2010-12-30  张林 

[root@ydcrh04 ~]# sysreport
WARNING: sysreport is deprecated, please use sosreport instead.
sosreport (version 1.7)
This utility will collect some detailed  information about the
hardware and  setup of your  Red Hat Enterprise Linux  system.
The information is collected and an archive is  packaged under
/tmp, which you can send to a support representative.
Red Hat will use this information for diagnostic purposes ONLY
and it will be considered confidential information.
This process may take a while to complete.
No changes will be made to your system.
Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.
One or more plugins have detected a problem in your configuration.
Please review the following messages:
    * required module is not loaded: dlm
    * service cman is not running
    * service cman is not started in default runlevel
    * service rgmanager is not running
    * service rgmanager is not started in default runlevel
    * cluster node is not quorate
    * /etc/cluster/cluster.conf is missing

Are you sure you would like to continue (y/n) ?n

[root@ydcrh04 ~]# sosreport
sosreport (version 1.7)
This utility will collect some detailed  information about the
hardware and  setup of your  Red Hat Enterprise Linux  system.
The information is collected and an archive is  packaged under
/tmp, which you can send to a support representative.
Red Hat will use this information for diagnostic purposes ONLY
and it will be considered confidential information.
This process may take a while to complete.
No changes will be made to your system.

Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.
One or more plugins have detected a problem in your configuration.
Please review the following messages:
    * required module is not loaded: dlm
    * service cman is not running
    * service cman is not started in default runlevel
    * service rgmanager is not running
    * service rgmanager is not started in default runlevel
    * cluster node is not quorate
    * /etc/cluster/cluster.conf is missing

Are you sure you would like to continue (y/n) ? y
Please enter your first initial and last name [ydcrh04]:
Please enter the case number that you are generating this report for: myreport
 Progress [#                  2%                  ][00:29/20:03]
 Progress [#######            18%                  ][06:24/36:32]
 Progress [###################100%##################][06:36/06:36]
Creating compressed archive...
Your sosreport has been generated and saved in:
The md5sum is: c435db4b22aaa5cd325bff3695b57728
Please send this file to your support representative.
mv /tmp/sosreport-ydcrh04.04-702328-b57728.tar.bz2 .
tar -jxf sosreport-ydcrh04.04-702328-b57728.tar.bz2

[root@ydcrh04 monitor]# sosreport -l

sosreport (version 1.7)

The following plugins are currently enabled:

 amd             Amd automounter information
 apache          Apache related information
 autofs          autofs server-related information
 bootloader      Bootloader information
 cluster         cluster suite and GFS related information
 devicemapper    device-mapper related information (dm, lvm, multipath)
 emc             EMC related information (PowerPath, Solutions Enabler CLI and Navisphere CLI)
 filesys         information on filesystems
 ftp             FTP server related information
 general         basic system information
 hardware        hardware related information
 ipsec           ipsec related information
 kernel          kernel related information
 ldap            LDAP related information
 libraries       information on shared libraries
 mail            mail server related information
 memory          memory usage information
 networking      network related information
 openswan        ipsec related information
 pam             PAM related information
 printing        printing related information (cups)
 process         process information
 rpm             RPM information
 samba           Samba related information
 sendmail        sendmail information
 ssh             ssh-related information
 startup         startup information
 system          core system related information
 systemtap       SystemTap pre-requisites information
 x11             X related information
 xen             Xen related information
 xinetd          xinetd information
 yum             yum information

The following plugins are currently disabled:

 initrd            initrd related information
 named             named related information
 nfsserver         NFS server-related information
 radius            radius related information
 rhn               RHN Satellite related information
 s390              s390 related information
 selinux           selinux related information
 squid             squid related information

The following plugin options are available:

 cluster.gfslockdump   off gather output of gfs lockdumps
 cluster.lockdump      off gather dlm lockdumps
 cluster.taskdump      off trigger 3 sysrq+t dumps every 5 seconds (dangerous)
 devicemapper.lvmdump  off collect raw metadata from PVs
 general.syslogsize    15 max size (MiB) to collect per syslog file
 kernel.modinfo        on gathers module information on all modules
 kernel.sysrq          off trigger sysrq+[m,p,t] dumps
 networking.traceroute off collects a traceroute to
 rpm.rpmq              on queries for package information via rpm -q
 rpm.rpmva             on runs a verify on all packages
 yum.yumlist           off list repositories and packages

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