loadrunner test

2011-05-02  张林 

I would like test simple loadrunner test by www.guru99.com, two question fail;
Congratulations, your score is: 90

The following questions are great, markdown here.
8) Which of the following is NOT a supported scripting language for Load Runner?
.Net  --- right

10) Browsers supported by Load Runner -
Mozilla FireFox
All of the above --- right

12) Which methods can be used to fix Corelation problem ?
Snapshot Comparison
Vuser Comparison
Auto Corelation
All Of The Above --- right

13) Can Load Runner be integrated with Quality Center and Quick Test Pro (QTP) ?
Only Quality Center
Only QTP
Both Quality Center & QTP --- right

15) LR records communication between Client & Server only but does not record screen actions performed by user
Yes  --- right

17) Corelation problem is caused by
Static values sent by sever
Dynamic values sent by server --- right
Passwords send by client
None Of The Above
    * Dynamic values such as Cookies , Checksums , Session Id's change each time you use an application
    * During Script Replay, the recorded dynamic values do not match the actual dynamic values and your script fails
    * To avoid failure, you must parametrize the dynamic values and use the parametrized values for further communication between client and server
    * This is nothing but CORRELATION

Correlation can be done
1) Manually called Manual correlation
2) Automatically called Automatic correlation
Manual correlation can be done as
1) Manual Coding
2) Snapshot Comparison
3) Vuser Comparison (recommended)

19) Which Options (Settings) are NOT part of run-time settings dialog box ?
Extended Think Time (这项不是很理解,好像是针对Virtual User Generator说Controller run-time settings think time)
Reports  --- right

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