Loadrunner Protocol Advisor 功能

2011-05-09  张林 

Loadrunner Protocol Advisor 功能
用了一下loadrunner 9.5的Protocol Advisor功能,测试webqq用下列协议:

Application name: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
URL Address: http://webqq.qq.com/

We detected the following protocols in your business process:
# AJAX (Click and Script)

AJAX (Click and Script) :An acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX uses asynchronous HTTP requests, allowing Web pages to request small bits of information instead of whole pages.
Web (HTTP/HTML) :Emulation of communication between a browser and Web server on an HTTP or HTML level.
COM/DCOM :Component Object Model (COM) - a technology for developing reusable software components.
Windows Sockets :The standard network programming interface for the Windows platform.
Protocol Advisor detected the following additional protocols: COM/DCOM, Windows Sockets .
These protocols are commonly used and probably not relevant for performance testing this application. Please try to record the application without these protocols. If the recording is not successful, then try to add them one-by-one.

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