
2011-08-21  张林 

Why should I Join the uTest Community?


There's plenty of reasons to join the uTest Community, no matter your skill level. Here's a few of the benefits of becoming a tester:


  • Get Paid: uTest compensates testers for each approved bug they submit, as well as for completed test scripts, valuable feedback and other various tasks. 得到报酬:如果测试员提交bug,或是完成测试脚本,或是提供宝贵意见和完成其他各个的任务被认可utest将付钱给你。
  • Learning: When you're surrounded by top QA talent from around the world, you'll drastically improve your own testing skills. Our community is a great place to learn of the latest software testing methods.学习:当你同世界各地顶端质量保证天才沟通时,你的自己的测试技能会突飞猛进。Utest社区是一个你学习最新的软件测试方法的地方。
  • Leisure: With uTest, you can work whenever you have the time - as little or as much as you want. Our platform allows you to select only the projects that interest you.闲暇: 同utest,你可以用你或多或少空闲时间做你兴趣的项目。 
  • Networking: Our Tester Forums are a great place to meet other QA professionals from around the world to discuss software testing trends and ideas.  uTest论坛是一个同全球专业QA讨论分享软件测试趋势,思想的地方。
  • Innovative Apps: Check out the latest technologies and applications before anyone else. Our customers are continually testing the latest versions of their web, mobile, gaming and desktop applications through our platform. Find a release that interests you and start testing.创新的应用程序:可发测试全球最新的技术和应用。我们的客户不断测试最新的他们的web,手机移动,游戏和桌面应用程序。你可以从你感兴趣的一个版本开始,开始测试。

How Does The Process Work? 怎样工作?

After signing up as a tester, there's only a few more steps to take before getting paid for approved bugs. Here's a quick snapshot of the process:

  • Profile: Create a profile based on your testing skills, environment and location  
  • Join a Test Cycle: Find an interesting testing assignments
  • Testing Applications: Review the assignment requirements and start testing
  • Get Paid: Once your bugs are approved as valuable you will get money for it  
  • Build Your Reputation: For each reported bug you earn grading points and recommendations. The higher your grade, the higher your bug rates are, which means you will get more money per bug. Improve your testing skills by exposure to various testing assignments and become a better tester.

Our Platform

The uTest platform is entirely Web-based - accessible anywhere, anytime. The interface is easy to use and allows testers to create their tester profile, search and join various testing assignments, be a part of dynamic QA cycles, report bugs, provide valuable feedback to software companies about their product and get paid.

Still want to know about the benefits of becoming a tester? Be sure to check out our Tester Case Studies, or ask someone in the uTest Forums.

提供uTest ForumId 加入uTest in China 本地群171640601,详细知道how to hunt bug and MONEY! ...
714°/7106 人阅读/4 条评论 发表评论

邓智群  2011-08-22


杨森  2012-03-01


张林  2012-03-01

杨森: 这不错啊,有报酬。

熊志男  2012-03-01

张林: 终于有人看到本质了

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