Dim qtApp
Dim blnNeedChangeAddins
Dim arrTestAddins
Dim m
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
blnNeedChangeAddins = False
If qtApp.Launched And blnNeedChangeAddins Then
End If
If blnNeedChangeAddins Then
Dim blnActivateOK
blnActivateOK = qtApp.SetActiveAddins(arrTestAddins, errorDescription) ' 加载与测试关联的加
If Not blnActivateOK Then ' 如果在加载加载项时发生问题
MsgBox errorDescription ' 显示包含错误的消息
WScript.Quit ' 并结束自动程序。
End If
End If
If Not qtApp.Launched Then
End If
qtApp.Visible = True
Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") ' Create the Run Results Options object
Dim executeArray
executeArray = oTestCaseDict.keys
For iCount = 0 to oTestCaseDict.Count -1
keyName = executeArray(iCount)
Dim oArray
oArray = oTestCaseDict(keyName)
testcaseName = oArray(3)
qtApp.open testcaseName
set qtTest = qtApp.test
qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = RootDir & "QTPReport\" & keyName ' Set the results location
qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt
on error resume next
Set qtApp = Nothing
Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing