LR11 Fatal Error -26000/-27492

2012-12-29  张林 

HP LoadRunner 11.00
HP LoadRunner 11.00 Patch 1

1) Fatal Error -26000: This script was generated with an outdated DFE engine, regenerate the script in order to successfully replay the DFE steps.      [MsgId: MERR-26000]
Warning: Extension lrwreplaymain.dll reports error -1 on call to function ExtPerProcessInitialize
Error: Thread Context: Call to service of the driver failed, reason - thread context wasn't initialized on this thread.

2) Action.c(51): Continuing after Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12004 and retry limit (0) exceeded for URL="http://test_server:8080/sxcrm/cust/customerAction!addCustList.action"
Record a multi-protocol script with following recording options: Go to Recording -> URL Recording -> URL Advanced -> Create concurrent groups and web_custom_request only.
3) Action.c(6): Error -26000: Not enough memory (20597669 bytes) for a new escaped bufferin LrwUtilSubmitDataBody::MakeAdditionalRoomForOK .
At the very beginning of the script, add the following two lines:
The Keep-Alive header is to enforce the server to keep the connections alive.
Reduce the upload chunk size to 8192 bytes, which is the same as Intenet Explorer uses.
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