
2015-06-08  籽藤 




# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a # single page via HTTP. # # This script is automatically generated by ngrinder. # # @author applewu from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder from net.grinder.script import Test from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPPluginControl from HTTPClient import NVPair from jarray import zeros from org.json import JSONObject import random import string import datetime control = HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults() # if you don't want that HTTPRequest follows the redirection, please modify the following option 0. # control.followRedirects = 1 # if you want to increase the timeout, please modify the following option. control.timeout = 6000 test1 = Test(1, "******") request1 = HTTPRequest(url = "https://api.******.com") # Make any method call on request1 increase TPS test1.record(request1) class TestRunner: # initlialize a thread def __init__(self): grinder.statistics.delayReports=True pass # test method def __call__(self): try: headers = ( NVPair("Content-type", "application/json"), NVPair("Authorization", "Bearer ******")) b = '''{ "subject": "%(subject)s", "body": "gaDXstiHQnyMAYtFpBGJhZvlkxRVa测试123omiITHmUmfSSlQsAsZyLTSjFLjyeUkyxBKCCUdWdwJMcZYE", "amount": "10", "order_no": "%(order_no)s", "channel": "jdpay_wap", "currency": "cny", "client_ip": "", "app": { "id": "******" }, "extra":{ "success_url":"", "fail_url":"" } }''' now = subject = now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") # Generate the random string for order number seq = string.letters + string.digits order_no = ''.join(random.choice(seq) for _ in xrange(12)) body = b%{'subject':str(subject),'order_no':str(order_no)} result = request1.POST('/v1/charges',body,headers) # You get the message body using the getText() method. # if result.getText().find("HELLO WORLD") != -1 : # grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1 # else : # grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 0 # if you want to print out log.. Don't use print keyword. Instead, use following. #"Hello World") if result.getStatusCode() == 200 : grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1 elif result.getStatusCode() in (301, 302) : grinder.logger.warn("Warning. The response may not be correct. The response code was %d." % result.getStatusCode()) grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1 else : grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 0 except Exception, e: print e
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