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发布时间 2014-10-16 工作城市 上海
企业网站 申请职位 应聘(非会员也可投递)
企业地址 上海闸北区

? We offer the opportunity to participate in real world software engineering. 
? Exposure to the first in class engineering team that solves vast CAE and numerical analysis problems. 
? Nice office environment and culture

? Creative and critical thinking, with a strong interest in experiments and testing that proves ideas
? Experience in laboratory/experiments and numerical analysis is a must
? Experience in programming such as C/C++, Python, Java, Tcl or Lua is a must
? Engineering Background in Control Systems, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Vehicle Engineering, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Structural Mechanics, or Statistics would be a big plus
? Good experience with numerical analysis software such as MATLAB, Simulink, Scilab, Octave, LabView is a big plus.
? Experience with FEM and/or CFD software is a plus. 
? Good team work and communication personality
? Fluent Chinese and English language skills

Basic Functions: 

We are looking for college students of engineering or computer science background to join our math solution team in Shanghai for testing purpose. 
This role to assist our Software Integrity Engineers with test automation tasks and/or numerical test execution and analysis. 
The product would be HyperMath, HyperStudy or the software product under development. 

Duties and Responsibilities: 
? Understand the specific math solution product, its features and use cases
? Work closely with the Math solution Software Integrity Engineer to design, create, execute, and automate the tests
? Perform numerical analysis experiment for accuracy, precision and performance evaluation
? Join the team discussions in development and testing
? Report and Validate defects

美国Altair Engineering, Inc是全球具有深厚工程技术底蕴的优秀产品开发及CAE工程公司,在CAE建模、可视化、模拟、优化和工艺过程自动化等方面为全球的客户提供先进的产品工程方案,引领着工程技术的世界潮流。自1985年,作为一家计算机辅助工程(CAE)咨询公司创立以来,澳汰尔公司员工已逾1400人,在美国.英国.德国.意大利.中国.日本.印度.瑞典等十三个国家设有分支机构。其HyperWorks工程软件系列PBS Pro高性能计算应用软件在世界工业界得到了最广泛的应用和认可。 2007年,澳汰尔公司又成功收购在商务智能领域占据领先地位的HIQUBE公司,一举进入BI应用领域并获得了快速发展。

2001年Altair Engineering, Inc来到中国,成立了全资子公司澳汰尔工程软件(上海)有限公司。澳汰尔中国公司的成立标志着Altair Engineering, Inc在全球确立了更广阔的发展范围,将全力为中国区域内的所有客户提供更有效.更直接.更全面的工程咨询服务和一流的产品开发平台,经过7年的辛勤奋斗及悉心经营,Hyperworks系列软件已拥有了广泛而稳定的客户群,目前我们的主要客户范围包括汽车、航天、教育等等行业并在持续扩展中。而Hypermesh更成为业内首选的前处理软件,也是我们的广大用户衡量其工作人员CAE技术水平的主要标杆之一。



    1、 请您提供中英文简历各一份(附1寸报名照)
    2、 简历可以通过电子邮件方式送达我们公司
    3、 请您务必在电子邮件标题注明所申请职位及您的姓名,如 Application for CAE Engineer, NAME
    4、 请在简历中注明您的目前税前薪资、期望薪资以及到岗日。