赛门铁克软件开发(成都)有限公司招聘Senior SQA Engineer

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发布时间 2011-12-09 工作城市 成都
企业网站 www.symantec.com 申请职位 应聘(非会员也可投递)
企业地址 成都市武侯区天府软件园

•        MS or BS in Computer Science, 6+ years’ experience in Software development and/or quality engineering, 3+ years of testing Mobile Software, 2 years Java programming experience.
•        Experience in debugging mobile software applications using both user mode and Android SDK/ eclipse/ Android Emulator/ Android Tools Plugin. 
•        Advanced level of experience with scripting languages such as Perl, Ruby, Python.
•        Strong experience in software engineering especially quality assurance process.
•        Expert at troubleshooting hardware and software problems in Windows, Linux, and with simple networks.
•        Ability to solve problems proactively, is comfortable working with ambiguous specifications but can identify and implement a solution.
•        Experience programming with Java programming language and Android APIs, and/or experts on C/C++ programming.
•        Must be able to interact comfortably with members of the worldwide team and employees in other departments in Symantec.
•        Ability to plan and estimate his/her own work and should track the accuracy of his/her estimates and learn to make adjustments based on his/her prior performance. Ability to re-prioritize work at short notice.
•        Must be a motivated, detail-oriented individual and a good team player.
•        Fluency in written and spoken English.

•        This position is located in Symantec China Development Center Chengdu office.
•        Develops and executes test plans and test cases, setup test environment, document results and report defects. Review design specifications from a quality and testability perspective and recommend changes, provide unit and integration level testing on early versions of new products and features . 
•        Performs black and white box testing with an emphasis on growing white box skills. 
•        Works on test automation procedures using a variety of software programming languages including Java, Perl, python on mobile platform to debug and test Android(or iOS) products.
•        Participates code and design reviews written by development engineers for Android or iOS.
•        Work with developers or other QA team members to debug/reproduce issues.
•        Ability to plan and estimate his/her own work and should track the accuracy of his/her estimates and learn to make adjustments based on his/her prior performance.
•        Should possess good problem solving skills to be able to judge problems in a very complicated environment, especially in the Android platform/ or Smartphone fields. 
•        Work with QA manager or leads to decide test direction and perform the tasks according to specification, can lead a small group for a product component test, guide junior engineers for daily testing work.
•        Ability to work with other leaders on the QA team to come up with the best testing strategies. 
•        May be assigned to various QA software testing projects that utilize skills above.

赛门铁克公司于1998年进入中国市场,在北京成立了第一个办公室并组建了本土化团队。之后在上海、广州、成都、深圳、武汉等地都设立了分支机构,迄今为止,在大中国地区(包括台湾、香港)已拥有超过900名员工。 赛门铁克近年来不断加大对于中国市场的投入,中国团队始终专注于通过提供全面的软件产品、解决方案和服务来帮助本地用户应对在安全性、可用性、法规遵从和能效方面的各种挑战威胁,得到了广大中国用户的认可和肯定,在各行业如电信、金融、电力、教育、能源、制造、医疗、政府等都有骄人的业绩。 同时,赛门铁克中国十分重视与本地合作伙伴的合作,持续致力于技术、流程以及市场战略的创新和培育,使本地客户直接受益。赛门铁克的发展目标是成为致力于创新、业绩卓著的公司,同时,致力于帮助个人消费者、中小企业以及大型跨国企业保护并管理其信息与身份,不管其使用何种设备。为实现该目标,赛门铁克带来了业内领先的软件及云解决方案,同时实现跨多个平台的无缝工作,让客户能够自由选择设备,并且在任何时间、任何地点访问、存储及传递信息。 在2010年,赛门铁克推出赛门铁克合作伙伴计划,该计划注重回报合作伙伴的专业能力和竞争力,通过实现合作伙伴专业化,提升合作伙伴在关键解决方案领域的竞争力,为合作伙伴提供更多资源、工具、奖励和销售支持。2011年,赛门铁克继续致力于对大中国区的合作伙伴的投入,帮助他们与赛门铁克一起,实现可预期的、有益的增长。随着增强版赛门铁克合作伙伴计划在大中国区上线,赛门铁克将专注于为合作伙伴提供更多资源来帮助其实现差异化经营,并实现营收最大化,为他们的客户带来更大价值,并充分利用新的市场机会。 赛门铁克在大中国区拥有强大的研发能力,并已建成了两个研发中心。继2004年建成了位于北京的第一家研发中心--中国研发中心(CDC)之后,又于2008年建立了第二家研发中心--即位于成都的中国研发中心成都基地。自研发中心落成以来,赛门铁克中国研发中心的工程师团队一直致力于与赛门铁克全球研发团队密切合作,积极参与全球顶尖研发项目,为赛门铁克技术创新做贡献。同时,结合中国本地用户需求,开发适用于中国市场的解决方案,并开展能够很快成功进入本地市场的产品研发活动。