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李琪 ID.7180

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2011-4-3作者: 李昱彤Email: liqi1031@gmail.com''' def setDictProperty(phone='', age=0, sex=''):    propertyDict={}    propertyDict['phone']=p
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#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2011-4-2作者: 李昱彤Email: liqi1031@gmail.com''' aList=[]loop=1try:    while loop <= 20000001:        aList.append(lo
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#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2011-3-20作者: 李昱彤Email: liqi1031@gmail.com''' def method1():    alist = []    i = 0    while i < 10000:  &nb
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Test result is that repr() is faster than str() about 4 seconds as the same larger data. ========Test Result ========= No.1000000010000001Method 1 costs 10.7029998302 secondsNo.10000000
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刚才看了这篇讲DHCP数据报文传输,对它有了更深的理解,先收藏一下,感谢作者共享这篇文章, 有兴趣的可以看看: http://blog.21ic.com/user1/5473/archives/2009/54897.html
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