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张林 ID.7639

Linux command to gathers up information about a Linux system http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-command-to-gathers-up-information-about-a-linux-system.htmlIf you are developing an application for Lin
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System Information Gathering Tool Linux: 1) Linux Explorer ( LINUXexplo ) - Linux System Information Gathering Tool http://www.unix-consultants.co.uk/examples/scripts/linux/linux-explorer/ 2) Siga Win
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/*****Description: This function converts the date from one form to another.Example: The input format is: 30 Oct 2006 the output format will be: 30/10/2006Inculde this function int your globals.h****/
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  【IT168 评论】Android开发带来新一轮热潮让很多移动开发者都投入到这个浪潮中去了,创造了许许多多相当优 秀的应用。其中也有许许多多的开发者提供了应用开源项目,贡献出他们的智慧和创造力。学习开源代码是掌握技术的一个最佳方式。下面推荐几个应用开源项目, 这些项目不仅提供了优秀的创意,也可以直接掌握 Android内核的接口使用:  1.Android团队提供的示例项目  如果不是从学习A
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5%神话 Bruce Eckel(Thinking in Java/C++作者) 在他的5%的神话(Mythical 5%) 中提到:5%的程序员开发效率是其他95%程序员的20倍(5% of programmers are 20x more productive than the other 95%)。 按照80-20法则,80%的程序员几乎不看书,不读Blog,不参加技术会议,不持续学习。这些
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Uniting Your Automated and Manual Test Efforts  Software development teams are always looking for an edge to produce features more quickly while retaining a high level of software quality. &
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6 Tips to Get Started with Automated Testing1. Decide what Test Cases to Automate 2. Test Early and Test Often 3. Select the Right Automated Testing Tool 4. Divide your Automated Testing Efforts 5. Cr
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刚起步的时候经常困扰我们的是一些本来容易解决的问题,往往我们会花掉很大的力气去找解决的办法,最后才知道原来这么简单,这就是英文世界造成的。 Intent在Android应用开发中,占有很大的分量,关于Intent在Android中的作用在网络上已经有很多资料了,这里不再累赘,本人喜欢直来直去。在网上看到很多关于Intent的资料,说那么多,你也许还是一头雾水,到底如何使用Intent呢?这里总结一
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ATI Automation Honors Automated Testing Institute celebrated the test automation excellence in Test Automation seen from automated test tool developers, authors and more. Here are the finalists and aw
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Android Programming Course for Beginners--> Week 1 – Introduction to Android and Java (a) Installing Android(b) Creating Hello World(c) Running on Emulator (d) Introduction to Java – Data types, L
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