1. Verification & Validation

2010-05-26  夏洁 

最近开始看《Rapid Testing》一书。做一些笔记吧。
          这两个单词是测试里的术语。一面的时候经理问过我。我不知道,让她给我解释。不过过后完全不记得了@@ 拿到OFFER之后经理推荐看Rapid Testing这本书。才发现在书中有详细介绍。
   Verification & Validation
           There are two basic functions of software testing: one is Verification and the other is Validation. Defined as follows:
            Verification is the assureance that the products of a particular phase in the document process are consistent with the requirements of that phase and the preceding phase.
            Validation is the assurance that the final product satisfies the system requirements.
           简而言之,Verification将重点放在开发过程中的特定阶段,是为了保证产品被正确地生产出来(make sure that the product is being bulit right)。Validation是为了保证系统按照需求来进行,是为了保证正确的产品被生产出来(make sure that the right product is being built)。
415°/4118 人阅读/4 条评论 发表评论

袁永云  2010-06-08

确认Validation are we build the right product
验证Verification are we build the product right

林琳  2010-06-08

以前也看过 但是忘记了 是很难分清

夏洁  2010-06-08

林琳: 以前也看过 但是忘记了 是很难分清

夏洁  2010-06-08

袁永云: 确认Validation are we build the right product
验证Verification are we build the product right

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