
2010-06-29  林子新 




  IIS与apache同时启动时,因端口号默认都是80,会导致后启动的服务失败。因此需要修改其中一个端口号。在此修改apache的端口号,在apache安装目录下conf的httpd.conf,查找listen 80,修改端口号为你所需端口:listen 81。






  将TestLink解压后拷贝到wamp5安装目录的apps文件夹下,并在alias文件夹下复制一个该目录下的*. conf文件,名字修改为TestLink.conf,使用EditPlus打开,修改TestLink的路径及名称,需修改4行,如下文:

Alias /testlinkmanager "d:/wamp/apps/testlink/"
<Directory "d:/wamp/apps/testlink/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
    Order Deny,Allow
#       Deny from all
#       Allow from
         Allow from all



  在浏览器中打开http://localhost:81,全新安装TestLink,点击Alias下的TestLink,然后New Installation,按提示一步一步完成即可。

补充:原来记录只写到这个地方便结束了,这里补充下,当用户点击New Installtion,之后,会提示用户填写数据库的登录用户名以及密码。所以填写本地数据库的用户名跟密码便可以了。原来还以为这个跟用xamp装bugfree一样,数据库也是程序自动弄好,但是这里却不同。试用了下,感觉里面对于测试管理的流程还是很有学问的,然后很多条理的东西需要探寻这些,下次积累。


I tried installing Testlink 1.8 for my test management today. The installation guide is simple, but for windows users it doesn’t give much of troubleshooting steps which users face often. I figured out some solutions for the problems which windows users face while installing this application as web server.

This is the complete flow including the troubleshooting steps for most commonly faced issues:

1. Download Testlink from the site


2. Extract the source file using any free zip extractor

3. Now download any PHP Server; I’ve chosen the WAMP (http://www.wampserver.com/en/download.php), which is a very simple server administrator

4. WAMP uses port 80 by default, which is commonly used by many applications (including IMs like skype), so better change it to any other port (say 81)

Go to this file Drive:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\httpd.conf and change the port number

5. Now that the WAMP installation is done, place the extracted Testlink folder to the ‘www’ directory of the WAMP folder. (WAMP folder can be found on the installed drive directly Drive:\wamp)

6. Now, start the WAMP server and type the URLhttp://localhost:81/testlink/install/index.php

7. While this page is being opened, open your MySQL client (I use MySQL yog free edition) and create a database with name ‘testlink’ on your localhost

8. Extract the data tables and data inside the tables (using SQL restore) on this database. Both these SQL files can be found inside the test link folder that you’ve extracted. The location is Drive:\wamp\www\testlink\install\sql\mysql

9. Back at step 7, the installation page would have been open on your browser, give the location credentials:
DB URL: localhost:3306
DB User id, Password, Optional User ID and Password

10. Done, you are ready and can access the testlink

Most of the users find the below error after configuring test link & opening the page

Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\testlink\lib\functions\lang_api.php on line 173

This is because the ereg command is no more used in the PHP versions > 5.2. So the solution for this is either reverting back to PHP 5.2 or lower (or) do the following tweak:

Go to the Drive:\testlink\lib\functions\ and go to line number 173 in the file ‘lang_api.php’. Change this line:
$t_lang_var = ereg_replace( ‘^TLS_’, ”, $t_var );
to be this line:
$t_lang_var = preg_replace( ‘/^TLS_/’, ”, $t_var );

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杨一  2011-07-29


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