Linux monitoring tools

2010-11-30  张林 

Linux monitoring tools
In this section, we discuss the monitoring tools. Most of the tools come with Enterprise Linux
distributions. You should be familiar with the tools.
1) top
2) vmstat
vmstat 2
3) uptime
4) ps and pstree
ps -A
ps -elFL
ps -eLF| grep -E "LWP|/usr/sbin/httpd"
5) free
free -l
free -m
6) iostat
iostat -d -x sdb 1
7) sar
 sar -u 3 10
8) mpstat
mpstat -P ALL
mpstat -P ALL 1 2
9) pmap
pmap -d <pid>
10) netstat
11) iptraf
12) strace
strace -p <pid>
13) find connection ESTABLISHED
netstat --inet -p
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