遇到date -u 命令对HP-UX日期时间修改无效后,纠正做法。 即本文“使用sam修改HP-UX系统时间”
Starting the terminal version of sam...
To move around in sam:
- use the "Tab" key to move between screen elements
- use the arrow keys to move within screen elements
- use "Ctrl-F" for context-sensitive help anywhere in sam
On screens with a menubar at the top like this:
|File View Options Actions Help|
| ---- ---- ------- ------------------------------- ---|
- use "Tab" to move from the list to the menubar
- use the arrow keys to move around
- use "Return" to pull down a menu or select a menu item
- use "Tab" to move from the menubar to the list without selecting a menu item
- use the spacebar to select an item in the list
On any screen, press "CTRL-K" for more information on how to use the keyboard.
Press "Return" to continue...
使用方向键下拉到最后:Sam Time,回车修改时间。
使用方向键下拉到 SAM System Clock,回车修改系统时间。
修改系统时间,修改正确后,用tab键跳转到 [ OK ] 回车。
返回后,用tab键跳转到file ,按F,再按E退出。