Product Opportunity Assessment

2012-09-04  付民 

The opportunity assessment is intended to clearly and concisely define the problem to be solved.
See an example set of opportunity assessment
- Learn more in our blog article "Assessing Product Opportunities."

Product Principles (aka Product Manifesto)

The product principles are not to be confused with product requirements. Product principles refer instead to the nature of the product you are building, and they help you to get a much clearer picture of what you believe in and what is important.
See an example product principles.
- Learn more in our blog article, "The Product Manifesto."

Personas for Product Management

Personas are another tool for getting a deeper understanding of who you are building this product for.

See an example set of personas

- Learn more in our blog article, Personas for Product Management

Product Strategy

The product strategy describes your vision for what you are trying to create – not what you are trying to create today, but what you are shooting for over the next 2-5 years.  
See an example of a real product strategy
- Learn more in our blog article, "Product Strategies in an Agile World."

Product Roadmap

The product roadmap describes how you intend to get from where you are now to the vision described in your product strategy.
See an example of a real product roadmap
- Learn more in our blog article, "Product Roadmaps."

High-Fidelity Prototype

The high-fidelity prototype is used primarily to have a fast, easy way to test out your ideas before you spend the time and money to build them for real. But the prototype has several other benefits as well, including the very act of creating it forces you to think about the problem at a much greater level of thought.

See an example of a high-fidelity prototype here.  Note that this is a zip file. Download the zip file, then open it in a folder and click on the file “index.html” to open the file in your browser. This is a real prototype from a very early version of a startup’s site. The site is considerably evolved since then, but it’s a very useful example of a prototype. You can click through to see the level of specification. This prototype was created using DreamWeaver, but you can use any number of tools to quickly create high-fidelity prototypes.  
- Learn more in our blog article, "High Fidelity Prototypes."

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