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刘俊 ID.1213

a unromantic day
刘俊 2010-03-16
  Today, manager tells me that he wants to build a mangement system for our department. Generally, it has two parts: UI and backend.  He said we need learn JAVA, SSH, STAF or Ruby
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  Today, manager gave us 3 new servers to do automatic testing. It's a good news for me. Because the Singapore QA ask me to run the scripts with screen capture, if I run them in my machine, I can
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网上很多例子,我这里写下来一些曾经用到的方便自己查找,不用去搜了,嘿嘿。===========================Mysql=============================今天尝试用ruby连接mysql的方法,很简单,记下来 1. 首先安装ruby1.8.6 2. 然后下载mysql-2.8.1-x86-mswin32.gem 下载地址:http://rubyforge
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1、数组定义arr1 = []arr2 = Array.newarr3 = ['1','2','3']2、输出print arr3,"\n"   #123puts arr3[0]      #1print&nb
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 Recently I am bothering. so busy everyday, overtime again and again, but I was feeling any improvement. no time to learn the more test knowledge, such as: ROR,Watir,Ruby etc. Too tired now.
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