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张林 ID.7639

Why should I Join the uTest Community?为什么软件测试员应该加入uTest社区?不管你的软件测试技能如何,为了钱,为了提高软件测试技能,为了了解软件测试未来发展和方向...你应该加入uTest社区,你应该同全球5万顶尖QA专家在一起!http://www.utest.com/landing-page/join-our-software-testing-commu
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《敏捷宣言》及其背后的12准则《敏捷宣言》我们通过身体力行和帮助他人来揭示更好的软件开发方式。经由这项工作,我们形成了如下价值观: 个体与交互 重于 过程和工具 可用的软件 重于 完备的文档 客户协作   重于 合同谈判 响应变化   重于 遵循计划 在每对比对中,后者并非全无价值,但我们更看重前者。《敏捷宣言》背后的
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敏捷软件测试的七个关键成功要素资深敏捷专家Lisa Crispin在最近的讲座和参与合著的《Agile Testing – A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams》中分享了敏捷软件测试的七个关键成功要素,包括​使用团队整体参与的方法、采用敏捷测试思维、​自动化回归测试、提供并获取反馈、构建核心实践的基础、与客户合作、保持大局观等。使用团队整体参与
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Top Open Source Bug Tracking System1. Bugzilla2. Mantis3. Redmine4. Fossil5. Flyspray6. Request Tracker7. OTRS8. EventNum9. The Bug Genie10. WebIssues11. elips -- javahttp://elips.sourceforge.net/ htt
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Marginize-让网页浏览不再孤单网页踩点(check-in)和评论服务 Marginize,是一个Chrome插件,用于为用户的网页浏览提供评论和踩点(Check-in)服务,你可以在网页上看到其他浏览该网页的用户的评论,让网页浏览不再孤独。你可以通过踩点(Check-in)来累计分数,分数最高的用户会成为该页面的老大(Curator)。 用户可以通过三种方式来登录,包括Twitter、Go
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Top 10 Reasons to Become a Mobile App TesterThere are lots of reasons to become a mobile app tester, which you would know if you read our posts every day. Here are ten of those reasons, in no particul
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Mobile Test ApplicationsOn this page I’m going to list various useful tools recommended for software testers as well as anyone who loves mobile devices and want to do MORE with them! T
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Mobile testing resourcehttp://bernardlelchuk.wordpress.com/ Bernard Lelchuk's Blog – Agile Testing in a Rapid Changing World Agile Testing, QA methodologies, Testing tools, testing techniques & mu
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张林 2011-08-11
教孩子学数学算术chrome webstore, Try MathBoard for freehttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elcilkmmbpmchojdmdohhoalmfmkcklk
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无意间看到《水浒传》的英文名字叫 "all men are bothers"all men are bothers --- 《水浒传》http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68HOloAqWhI其实 all people are users, all people are tester. http://www.oschina.net/news/2042
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