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张林 ID.7639

IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool. The benchmark generates and measures a variety of file operations. Iozone has been ported to many machines and runs under many operating systems. Iozone is usefu
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Jmeter/Jmeter-plugins/Badboy Web性能测试组合Jmeter(2.3.4/2.4)http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/Jmeter-plugins(0.4.0-RC2), request Jmeter 2.4http://code.google.com/p/jmeter-plugins/Badboy(2.1)http://www.badbo
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vmstat 命令的用法说明http://www.eygle.com/digest/2007/07/vmstat_man_page.html用途 报告虚拟内存统计信息。 语法 vmstat [ -f ] [ -i ] [ -s ] [ -I ] [ -t ] [ -v ] [ PhysicalVolume ... ] [ Interval [ Count ] ] 描述 vmstat 命令报告关于内
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Keynote Performance Indices address the following business requirements: • Benchmark Web page and transaction performance and availability against your competitors • Establish realistic Service Level
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Error 13001: Product not registered with the FLEXnet Connect Error Description: Error 13001: Product not registered with the FLEXnet Connect Resolution: On the internet please go to http://www.pearson
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Tips on Performance Testing and Optimizationhttp://www.theserverside.com/news/1364725/Tips-on-Performance-Testing-and-Optimizationhttp://www.theserverside.com/news/1364675/Improving-J2EE-Application-P
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Load Test Virtual User Calculationshttp://loadstorm.com/2010/load-test-virtual-user-calculationsYesterday a customer called me to ask about how his current traffic levels translate to the load he shou
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在J2EE application中,通常关注服务器端JVM参数,忽视了客户端JVM参数。如果客户端default值不够用时,可以考虑加入下_JAVA_OPTIONS,当然根本方法是找出客户端memory leak的方法!用下列方法只能推迟客户机死机的时间,直到重起客户机!_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms150m -Xmx512m -Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:
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Understanding Software Performance Testingby Dale Perry原文:(建议用chrome的自动翻译功能帮助看原文)http://www.stickyminds.com/BetterSoftware/magazine.asp?fn=cifea&id=118中文:http://www.51testing.com/?uid-61753-action
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http://www.rickyzhu.com/2170_diagcollection-tool.html介绍下Oracle Database 11gR2中的日志和日志的收集。 为什么要收集Oracle日志? 很多时候,遇到问题联系Oracle support或者提交SR的时候,support总是会要求你收集好日志,有时候日志收集不齐全,来来回回几次,时间都浪费在沟通上了。另外即使自己在测试环境进
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