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张林 ID.7639

Why System Performance Test?1.Application response time – How long does it take to complete a task? 2.Configuration sizing - Which configuration provides the best performance level? 3.Acceptance - Is
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Linux monitoring toolsIn this section, we discuss the monitoring tools. Most of the tools come with Enterprise Linux distributions. You should be familiar with the tools.1) top2) vmstatvmstat 23) upti
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dmesgThe main purpose of dmesg is to display kernel messages. dmesg can provide helpful information in case of hardware problems or problems with loading a module into the kernel.In addition, with dme
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We noticed that the SQL_ID for the Top SQL for 10g and 11g are very much different even they might have almost identical SQL statement. We might have difficulty in the near future to compare the perfo
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写在前面的话:Oracle的RAC技术不是一个以提高系统性能为目的的技术,该技术重点侧重的是高可用性和系统的可扩缩性。在单实例上运行效率低下的系统,切换到RAC环境下,往往运行效果将更加的低下。这往往与RAC的Cache Fusion特性有关。在使用RAC数据库的时候我们要本着扬长避短的原则,了解其本身限制的出处,然后有的放矢的使用。1.优化Application无论在单实例数据库环境还是RAC环
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获得SQL的执行计划的方法很多,例如explain plan for和sql trace等。这里给大家介绍另外一种方法。这种方法可以很方便和AWR报告相结合。对于在生成的AWR报告中被发现的消耗资源较多的SQL语句,我们可以使用AWR提供的awrsqrpt.sql脚本达到获取SQL语句执行计划的目的。1.下面是以获得SQL ID为“8p23kcbgfqnk4”的SQL语句的执行计划为例,展示一下这
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#!/bin/sh# small utility unix script for showing machine infouname -acase "`uname`" in    HP-UX*)       tmpfile=`mktemp`    &
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[oracle@ydcrh04 bdump]$ cat  /db/pdhptlt10g/dbdump/udump/pdhptlt10g_ora_10282.trcDump file /db/pdhptlt10g/dbdump/udump/pdhptlt10g_ora_10282.trcOracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Produ
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查找哪些表中有这条数据?目标检查housekeeping功能的完整性COLUMN_NAME: CNTR_IDVALUE: AUTO100033select table_namefrom user_tab_columnswhere column_name ='CNTR_ID' select 'select count(*) from ' || table_name ||' where cntr_id
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方法一:autotrace1,  connect sys/密码 as sysdba,在sys用户下运行$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/plustrce.sql这段sql的实际内容如下:set echo ondrop role plustrace;create role plustrace;grant select  on v_$sesstat t
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