How Much Influence Should Testers Have?

2011-02-11  刘旸 

As I struggle to find a tool that is current enough to automate tests for a Silverlight 4.0 app, my former QA manager and thoughtful testing buddy, keeps spouting the same message to me. Alex Kell keeps saying my first mistake was to let the programmers pick SL4 in the first place. We have tools that can automate SL2 and even SL3. Alex says, why not convince the programmers to use the older versions of SL.

His point being, if testing is really so important, then why shouldn’t we select our product’s coding technologies based on the ease of testing them? It’s that thing we always hear about called, “testability”.

When the initial SL4 decision was made, I sheepishly took Alex’s advice. I asked the lead architect if he could use SL3 instead. I explained how easy it would be to convert my existing automated test framework to drive SL3. He paused for two seconds, then said “no”, the SL4 bindings were superior and more favorable for our project. Can you blame him? I can’t. Of course, any team starting a greenfield project would want to begin with the latest supported code version.

So now I'm getting busy rewriting my framework using Microsoft’s CodedUI platform, which has SL4 support and is used elsewhere on my team.

In the meantime I’m haunted by Alex’s advice and wonder how hard I should have pushed. On the other hand, there is merit in adaptability. To be able to support your team with the best testing possible, based on their design choices…

…well that is something too.

What do you think?
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刘旸  2011-02-11


薛紫恒  2011-02-15


刘旸  2011-02-16

薛紫恒: 真牛逼还是装牛逼?,没有中文版的?

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