Test Automation

2011-02-24  张林 

Test Automation

In today’s business environment, rapidly changing requirements challenge the testing process. Also as the complexity of software products continues to increase, the need to test more efficiently and effectively grows. That is where an appropriate yet aggressive use of automated testing can make a significant impact.

At Appulse, test automation forms a core part of every test project, and we approach test automation as a software development project itself, taking into account both current and future testing needs. We recognize that the actual payback of test automation comes downstream as an application evolves and must be repeatedly tested over time. To realize these benefits, we believe that selecting the right test automation tool, test tool implementation methodology, test automation design approach, and test automation project methodology are key factors to ensure successful test automation projects.

Appulse Test Automation Process

Our Team has extensive experience with the following test automation tools.

  • Functional Testing Tools: Mercury Quicktest Pro, BPT (Business Process Testing), SilkTest, Winrunner
  • Performance Testing Tools: JMeter, Mercury LoadRunner, Astra Load Test
  • Test Management Tools: Rational Test Manager, Mercury TestDirector
  • Issue Management and Bug Tracking: JIRA, Bugzilla, Fogbugz

Appulse Technologies’ Test Automation service along with the many advantages of outsourcing also brings our customers the following benefits:

  • Provide continuous control of your software’s quality.
  • Improve the quality of product releases.
  • Reduce software testing cycle times.
  • Enhance reusability and reduce maintainability issues.
  • Increase your test coverage.
  • Free your testing team’s time towards continuous improvement.
  • Save time and money.

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