
2012-01-13  黄桂梅 

create table t_date (
c_date date,
c_timestamp timestamp
insert into t_date (sysdate,sysdate);
insert into t_date select sysdate,systimestamp from dual;
insert into t_date(t_timestamp)
values(to_timestamp('2012-01-01 12:10:10.10','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff'));

create table ttt (
id number(10),
dt1 date default sysdate,
dt2 timestamp default sysdate,
name char(3) default 'hgm'

create table db2test(
t12 date,
t13 time,
t14 timestamp);
insert into db2test(t12,t13,t14) values (current_date,current_Time,current_timestamp);
insert into db2test(t14)
values(to_timestamp('2012-01-01 12:10:10.10','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff'));

--db2中使用with default关键字设置默认值,可在建表时指定默认值为系统时间。
create table ttt (
id smallint,
dt1 date with default current_date,
dt2 time with default current_time,
dt3 timestamp with default current_timestamp,
name char(3) with default 'hgm'

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